The OEM strainer screens are the weak link in the Subaru factory pickups. The factory tack-welds that hold the screen in place block part of the screen, obstructing oil flow, while the heat from sloppy welding on the screen’s surface causes it to become brittle and prone to breakage. IAG Performance’s Oil Pickup design addresses these issues by incorporating the use of a robust mesh screen that is pressure fitted between a 2-piece housing cast from premium quality 304 Stainless Steel. The screen is held securely in place by the housing, which is hand TIG welded with care to prevent overheating or causing obstructions on the screen’s surface. Notably, there is no welding done to the screen itself, protecting it from damage and ensuring that it flows freely. Additionally, we've eliminated the retaining ring, which increases the surface area by nearly 32% over the OEM version. Whether your FA20F engine is modified or not, the IAG Oil Pickup is built to stand strong against the pressure of the most demanding driving conditions.